
24:14 World seeks to use contributions wisely and efficiently to support indigenous missionary ministries on the frontlines of world evangelization that are establishing a witness for Christ in every tongue, tribe, and nation.

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Ukraine Christians Fleeing the Invaders
Kindly Help

Help Ukraine Christians as they flee to Poland and several other European Union (EU) nations to the west.  On February 24th Russian military began an invasion of Ukraine from a number of access points on their common borders.  Deaths of military on both sides of the war are just beginning to mount as are the civilian deaths as a result of indiscriminate fire of the Russian military.

Several ministries 24:14 World serves are moving some of their families (women and children) and over 100 orphan children into Poland.  Most of the native missionaries  will remain to minister to general population and to the believers who are unable to  reach the safety of the Polish border.

Through Ukraine ministry offices in Germany help can reach these refugees as they are fleeing in the midst of winter.  The funds will be used for food and shelter.  Outreach updates will be provided by people on the ground with whom we have a long relationship.

Germany is sending buses to Poland to bring refugees to their country.

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